Grünbeck assumes responsibility

Looking and acting

Taking responsibility and showing social commitment is, for a number of reasons, becoming more and more important. But what is “social commitment”? First of all, that something is being done. And then: That our actions are supported by knowledge, empathy and the motivation to help purposefully. There, where it is necessary to make social conditions more humane and worth living in, as well as there, where people are in acute need or need help in order to be able to help themselves as quickly as possible. Grünbeck has been doing all of this for more than 50 years. Because just looking is not enough!


Changing the world with ideas.

To us, innovation is not an end in itself. It is not simply a means to increase our economic success. Instead, our ideas are an important contribution to caring for the water on our planet and to making its quality available to us human beings. Since the foundation of our company, we have always been a driving force in innovating water treatment – as our numerous patents prove. Admittedly, we are quite proud of that. But what is even more important: Thanks to superb experts in the Grünbeck team, we will also be able to successfully meet the increasingly complex challenges of water treatment in the future. Indeed that is perhaps the best of all good news.

Becoming of age through innovation.

Grünbeck now has over 700 experts working for it as exclusively committed professionals. Together, they make Grünbeck one of the most successful and respected water treatment companies in Europe. Our continuously increasing turnover is now approximately 150 million euros per year. Today, Grünbeck maintains locations throughout Germany, as well as in all important markets worldwide, in order to guarantee proximity to the customers.

Water is a human right.

At Grünbeck AG, we specifically work towards giving people across the whole world access to hygienically safe water. With excellence, expertise, powerful products and communication, Grünbeck is committed to providing long-term access to clean water.

Everyone knows water, however, hardly anyone knows anything about how easy it is to significantly improve its quality. That's why we also support the public with our knowledge and provide specific information to water professionals who are committed to preserving the value of water. The renowned "Grünbeck Forum", a further training centre at the company's headquarters in Hoechstaedt, is an important platform for this. Here, experienced water experts impart industry news and knowledge about innovative solutions for water treatment, during seminars and further training courses, to experts from the sanitary, heating and air-conditioning sector, the food industry and energy production. These solutions include products for drinking water treatment as well as systems for water treatment for heating and cooling systems or swimming pools.

Commitment as a matter of course

In the 1960s, the very beginning of Grünbeck's corporate history, "charity" campaigns on a grand scale with a high  public profile were not yet widespread and the now established tongue twister "Corporate Social Responsibility", (CSR) for the social commitment of companies, had not yet been invented.

But even back then, it was a natural part of the corporate culture for the company's founder Josef Grünbeck and his wife Loni to take an interest in others, the social environment and the living space and to get involved in it within the scope of their possibilities. Just like that, out of conviction, directly and without wanting to cause a big public commotion. Today, however, transparent communication about corporate actions is required and, at Grünbeck, this also includes social commitment that has been practised for many years.

Code of conduct

The Grünbeck Code of Conduct

Grünbeck is the epitome of clean water. With our expertise and commitment, we ensure that people around the world have access to one of the most important resources of life. By continuously endeavouring to strike the balance between social demands and environmental interests, we all enable good, sustainable life.

Therefore check...

Without the appropriate financial means, without the ability to put yourself in the shoes of others and to develop suitable solutions for social tasks, targeted support or help is hardly possible. Nor is it possible without open eyes and ears, without a big heart and hands that can get stuck in. But beyond that, it is indispensable for the success of any aid measure to get your brain in gear. Only those who carefully check, select and continuously monitor can be sure that their help will reach to the extent planned and desired by all involved.

Specific project selection

Grünbeck's social commitment is essentially based on a sense of responsibility towards society and the living space, solidarity with employees and the location as well as competence in all aspects of water as an element. The strong financial backbone for the company's social activities is provided by Grünbeck AG itself. It provides the funds required in each case and is also involved in the selection of measures, projects and partners worthy of support.

In the case of large-scale aid projects that focus on water, funding is only awarded to partners after an assessment of requirement profiles that interested parties have to answer and whose criteria they have to fulfil if a joint project is to materialise. In addition, potential aid projects and partners are first checked by Grünbeck on site. A cooperation agreement, as well as the checks and communication on the project progress, regulated therein, then form the stable basis for a successful partnership. Third parties who would like to support a longer-term Grünbeck drinking water aid project through donations or voluntary work can thus be sure that their help will also have the effect they desire!

Value-oriented and clear

Grünbeck’s corporate culture is characterised by its focus on values and clarity. Social commitment bears the same hallmark. And it underlines the commitment of today’s acting management to the ideals of Josef and Loni Grünbeck. By continuing this tradition and constantly developing it, the company furthers the realisation of social projects in four areas that - just like building blocks - make up Grünbeck’s overall commitment in the social sector.

Helping with Water, Social Work, the Foundation and the Employee Participation Model.

Attention and respect

"Successful business does not take place in a vacuum" - this is not only an insight of economic experts, it is also a maxim for Grünbeck's entrepreneurial activities. After all, no company can exist in the long term without attention and respect for everything that surrounds the company's activities or makes them possible in the first place. The attention and respect of all employees is also required by Grünbeck's core competence; the professional handling of the vital element of water. In the area of social commitment, this attitude is reflected in the content of the projects supervised, in cooperation with partners and in the work done.

Corporate governance

Changing the world with ideas.

To us, innovation is not an end in itself. It is not simply a means to increase our economic success. Instead, our ideas are an important contribution to caring for the water on our planet and to making its quality available to us human beings. Since the foundation of our company, we have always been a driving force in innovating water treatment – as our numerous patents prove. Admittedly, we are quite proud of that. But what is even more important: Thanks to superb experts in the Grünbeck team, we will also be able to successfully meet the increasingly complex challenges of water treatment in the future. Indeed that is perhaps the best of all good news.

Becoming of age through innovation.

Grünbeck now has over 700 experts working for it as exclusively committed professionals. Together, they make Grünbeck one of the most successful and respected water treatment companies in Europe. Our continuously increasing turnover is now approximately 150 million euros per year. Today, Grünbeck maintains locations throughout Germany, as well as in all important markets worldwide, in order to guarantee proximity to the customers.

It's about much more than just key figures.

We believe that access to clean water is a human right. That's why we want to make our contribution to enforcing this right. We want every industry to get precisely the water that can be optimally integrated into its processes. Water fascinates us. We are also fascinated by the social partnership that is closely linked to Grünbeck through its ideas and visions. Grünbeck is a progressive company. Every single employee stands for this. Every single member of the management team that we introduce to you here also stands for this.

Members of our Board of Management:

Dr. Günter Stoll

Executive Board


Sandra Stricker

HR Management

Member of the Board of Management

Werner Biesenberger

Commercial Division and IT Management

Member of the Board of Management

Dietmar Ladenburger

Technical Director

Member of the Board of Management

Matthias Wunn

Marketing and Communication Management

Member of the Board of Management

Harald Wiedenmann

Head of Service

Member of the Executive Board

Christian Endraß

Head of Sales


The Loni and Josef Grünbeck Foundation

Security for the company

Loni Grünbeck established the "Loni and Josef Grünbeck Foundation" in 2010, driven by the desire to preserve Grünbeck AG in the long term, the life's work of her husband Josef Grünbeck which he founded and, at the same time, to secure the site and the workplaces. The institution exclusively and directly pursues charitable and benevolent purposes. In addition, the Foundation holds a majority of unsaleable shares in Grünbeck and thus makes a significant contribution to securing the company's future.

Focus on water treatment

The Foundation's purpose focuses on the essence of Grünbeck's business activities: Water treatment. This Foundation therefore promotes, in particular, research, development and education in the water treatment sector. In addition, the Foundation supports the company's employees, as well as citizens at the company's headquarters in Hoechstaedt a. d. Donau who have fallen on hard times, either financially or in terms of their health. It is precisely this targeted support of people in their immediate environment that has always been a matter close to the hearts of the Grünbeck couple.

The Foundation's Board of Directors includes the company's Managing Director, Dr Günter Stoll. The Foundation Board of Trustees, which advises and supports the Executive Board, consists of the members of the Supervisory Board of Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH.

The purpose of the Foundation

  • Promotion of science and research, especially in the water treatment sector.
  • Promotion of education, national education and vocational training including student support, especially in the field of education, advanced and continuing training in the water treatment sector and related professional profiles and research areas.