Data Protection

Data Protection

We at Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH are pleased that you have decided to visit our website and by your interest in our company. We take the protection of your personal data very serious and want you to feel good and secure when visiting our website. Protecting and safeguarding all personal data with which you entrust us is therefore a particular concern for us. This document will provide you with more information on how we use and process your personal data. In the following, we describe which data is processed during your stay on our website.


Table of contents


I. Data protection notices for website visitors, customers, suppliers, interested parties and other persons concerned

1. Name and address of the data controller

2. Contact details of the data protection officer

3. General information on data processing and data sources

4. Purpose of the processing and legal basis 

5. Use and disclosure of personal data

6. Information on joint accountability

7. Transfer to third countries

8. Storage period

9. Provision of the website and creation of log files when called up via the browser

10. Use of cookies

11. YouTube components with enhanced privacy mode and Spotify link on our website

12. Google Web Fonts

13 Statistical evaluations

14. Links to social networks and additional information

15. Grünbeck Cloud and apps

16. Upload of the log files of the Grünbeck systems to the Cloud for fault analysis

17. Reading out the device information

18. Registrations

19. Contact form and e-mail contact

20. Support Service support with the ‘SightCall’ software

21. RMA-Portal

22. Processing of reports in the internal reporting office for the HinSchG

23. Video surveillance on our factory premises

24.Particiation in the competition

25. Data security

26. Rights of people affected

27. Obligation to provide personal data


II.    Data protection guidelines for the processing of job applicant data

III. Terms and conditions of participation in Instagram competitions with data protection information 




I. Data protection notices for website visitors, customers, suppliers, interested parties and other persons concerned


1.    Name and address of the data controller

The data controller within the scope of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other national data protection legislation of the member states of the European Union and other privacy law provisions is as follows:

Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH

Josef-Grünbeck-Str. 1

89420 Hoechstaedt/Germany


Phone: +49-9074 41-0




2.    Contact details of the data protection officer


Thomas Hoch

Adalbert-Stifter Strasse 52

89415 Lauingen

Phone: 0152-53144668


 3.    General information on data processing and data sources

Personal data
Personal data constitutes individual information on the personal or factual situation of a determined or determinable natural person. This includes information such as the IP address, your proper name, your address, your telephone number and your date of birth.
Information that cannot be directly connected to your real identity, such as favourite websites or the number of users to a website, are not considered to be personal data.

In addition, we also process data from applicants. For information on processing applicant data, see II. Data protection guidelines for the processing of job applicant data.


Scope of the processing of personal data

We process the personal data of our users basically only insofar as required for the provision of a functional website, as well as our content and services.


Data sources

We process the personal data that we receive from our customers, suppliers or interested parties in the course of our business relationships. In addition and insofar as is necessary for our business relationships, we process personal data which we obtain from publicly accessible sources such as debtor directories, commercial and association registers, the press or the Internet, or which is transmitted to us by other companies affiliated with the Group.


4.    Purpose of the processing and legal basis

We will process your personal data only for specified, expressly stated and legitimate purposes and we will not process your personal data in a way that is incompatible with such purposes.

Such a purpose may include fulfilling an order you have placed, improving your visit to one of our websites, improving our products and services in general, and so on.

We process personal data in accordance with the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). We can refer to the following legal bases when processing personal data:

(1) For the fulfilment of contractual obligations (Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR)

The processing of personal contractual data is carried out for the execution of orders and commissions within the framework of the undertaking our contracts with our customers and suppliers or for undertaking pre-contractual measures, which are carried out on request. This includes, in particular, specific enquiries which we receive at events such as trade fairs.

The purposes of data processing depend primarily on the specific product and service and may include, but are not limited to, needs assessments, advice, sales and service contracts, research contracts and regulatory requirements. Further details for data processing purposes can be found in the relevant contractual documents.

Irrespective of established contractual relationships and interest in our services, you also enter into a user relationship with us by visiting our website and registering on our website. The processing of usage data by visiting our online offers and the processing of data collected in connection with registration are also legitimised by Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR.

(2) For the purposes of legitimate interests (Art. 6  (1)  (f) GDPR)

If necessary, we also process personal data beyond the scope of actually fulfilling the contract to protect our legitimate interests or those of third parties. Due to the multitude of theoretically conceivable processing contexts, the following points are only to be understood as a subset of situations relevant to practice. We can provide more detailed information regarding your data within the scope of concrete requests for information. Examples include the following (this list is not exhaustive):

  • Photography and filming at events
  • Video surveillance for upholding company regulations
  • Measures for building and plant security (e.g. access controls)
  • Newsletter distribution to business partners

(3) Based on your consent (Art. 6  (1)  (a) GDPR)

If you have given us your consent to process personal data for certain purposes (e.g. product registration), the lawfulness of this processing is based of this consent. A given consent can be revoked at any time. This also applies to the revocation of declarations of consent given to us before the GDPR came into force, i.e. before 25 May 2018. You can revoke your consent at any time by sending an e-mail to, Tel. 09074 41-0 or by writing to Grünbeck postal address. The revocation of consent only takes effect for the future and does not affect the legality of the data processed until the revocation.

Consent for the establishment of contact for advertising purposes
By giving your consent for the establishment of contact for advertising purposes, you agree that you will received personalised information on news, products, applications, events and advertising promotions and that you can be contacted by e-mail, text message, telephone, push notifications or post for such purposes. You can revoke your consent at any time.

(4) Based on legal requirements (Art. 6  (1)  (c) GDPR)

As a company, we are also subject to various legal obligations, i.e. legal requirements such as tax laws and other regulatory requirements. The purposes of the processing include, among other things, the fulfilment of control and reporting obligations under tax law as well as the assessment and control of risks within the company.

We are legally obligated to process personal data that is provided due to legal requirements. The legitimation of such processing operations is based on Art.  6  (1) (c) GDPR in connection with the respective legal standard which obliges us.


5.    Use and disclosure of personal data

Within the company, those departments that need your data to fulfil our contractual and legal obligations are given access to it.
Within the course of our business processes, we may also need to pass on your data to a partner that is contractually connected to Grünbeck (an overview of these partners can be found here) for processing.
If you do not specify a specialist installer from your region, we reserve the right to pass on your data to a specialist installer from your region for the creation of a quotation. In this case, you consent that Grünbeck, a contractually connected partner of Grünbeck or a specialist installer in your region is authorised to contact the person named in the inquiry by e-mail, telephone, fax and text message in order to create a quotation.
Insofar as you have given your consent, Grünbeck or a contractually connected partner may contact you for advertising purposes (product information/newsletter/promotions) by e-mail, telephone, fax and text message. You can revoke this consent at any time with future effect from Grünbeck and/or the contractually connected partner of Grünbeck.

Service providers and vicarious agents employed by us may also receive data for these purposes, in particular if they maintain confidentiality and integrity. These can be, for example, companies in the categories of IT services, printing services, marketing. These service providers are so-called contract processors which provide services and are especially contractually obliged according to legal requirements.

With regard to the transfer of data to recipients outside our company, it should first be noted that we only pass on personal data to the extent necessary to comply with the applicable data protection regulations. We are only allowed to pass on information about you if this is required by law, if you have consented or if we are authorised to provide information. Under these conditions, recipients of personal data can be:

  • Public bodies and institutions (e.g. tax authorities, criminal prosecution authorities, family courts, land registries) in the event of a legal or official obligation,
  • Credit and financial service institutions or comparable institutions to which we transmit personal data within the scope of the business relationship (e.g. banks, credit agencies),
  • Creditors or insolvency administrators which submit an inquiry in the context of an enforcement measure,
  • Chartered accountants or auditors,
  • Service providers that we use within the framework of contract processing relationships
  • Company commercial representative


6. Information on joint accountability


Reason for and description of data processing by joint controllers

Grünbeck cooperates with its Grünbeck commercial representatives for the purpose of market development and customer support (an overview of these partners can be found here). As joint controllers within the meaning of Art. 26 in conjunction with Art. 4 (7) GDPR, we process your personal data in a jointly operated CRM system. The legal basis for the processing of your data for the aforementioned purpose is the protection of our legitimate interests in the operation of a CRM system and in joint customer management (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR).
As the joint controller for the processing, Grünbeck has contractually agreed with the individual commercial representatives to cooperate in the operation of the CRM system.


The following main provisions have been made in this regard:

  • Grünbeck and the respective commercial agency access the same address and contact pool when operating the CRM system together.
  • When operating the CRM system, Grünbeck is responsible for the tasks listed below and for taking the measures listed below: CRM system administration, reports to the competent supervisory authority pursuant to Art. 33 GDPR, notification of data subjects pursuant to Art. 34 GDPR, fulfilment of the information obligations pursuant to Arts. 13 and 14 GDPR with regard to the data subjects, involvement of contract processors, processing and response to applications for the exercise of data subjects' rights pursuant to Art. 15 et seq. GDPR, fulfilment of the rights of data subjects pursuant to Art. 15 et seq. GDPR, deletion of personal data in the CRM system.
  • When operating the CRM system, all parties involved are entitled to collect, store, change and use personal data in accordance with the contractual agreements between the parties and to restrict data processing.

Enforcement of data subjects' rights

You can assert your rights under section 25 both with regard to Grünbeck and with regard to the commercial agency, irrespective of the agreement between Grünbeck and the individual commercial agency.

The parties shall immediately inform one another of the legal positions asserted by the persons concerned. Grünbeck and the commercial agencies shall provide one another with all the information necessary for replying to requests for information. The statutory provisions on the liability of jointly responsible parties pursuant to Art. 82 (2) GDPR remain unaffected by the contractual agreements between Grünbeck and the respective commercial agency.


7.    Transfer to third countries

Data will not be transferred to entities in countries outside the European Union (so-called third countries) unless

  • it is required for the execution of your orders (for example, delivery orders),
  • it is required by law (e.g. reporting obligations under tax law) or
  • you have given us your consent.


8.    Storage period

We process and store your personal data as long as necessary for the fulfilment of our contractual obligations and to uphold our rights.

If the data is no longer necessary for the fulfilment of contractual or legal obligations, it is deleted at regular intervals, unless its further processing – for a limited period – is necessary for the following purposes:

  • Fulfilment of commercial and tax retention obligations under the German Commercial Code (HGB), the German Fiscal Code (AO) and the German Money Laundering Act (GwG). The time limits for storage and documentation specified there are generally two to ten years.
  • Preservation of evidence within the framework of the statutory statute of limitations. According to Articles 195 et seq. of the German Civil Code (BGB), these limitation periods can be up to 30 years, although the regular limitation period is 3 years.


9.    Provision of the website and creation of log files when called up via the browser


Description and scope of data processing

Each time our website is called, our system automatically collects data and information from the computer system of the computer calling the site.



In the process, the following data is collected:
(1) Information about the browser type and the version

(2) The user's operating system

(3) The user's Internet service provider

(4) The user's IP address

(5) Date and time of access

(6) Websites from which the user's system accesses our website

(7) Websites accessed by the user's system via our website


The data is also stored in the log files of our system. Processing this data together with other personal data of the user does not take place.

Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the temporary storage of the data and log files is our legitimate interest according to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

Purpose of data processing

The temporary storage of the IP address by the system is necessary to enable a delivery of the website to the computer of the user. For this purpose, the IP address of the user must remain saved for the duration of the session.
Storage in log files takes place to guarantee the functionality of the website. In addition, we use the data to optimise the website and guarantee the security of our IT systems. In this context, the data is not analysed for marketing purposes.

Duration of storage
The data is deleted as soon as they are no longer required to achieve the purpose of their collection. If a collection of the data is required for the provision of the website, this occurs when the respective session has come to an end.


Possibility of revocation and elimination

The collection of data for the provision of the website and the storage of data in log files is mandatory for the operation of the website. Consequently, there is no possibility of objection on the part of the user.


10. Use of cookies

 Description and scope of data processing

Our website uses cookies. Cookies are text files that are locally stored in the Internet browser itself and/or on the computer system of the user by the Internet browser. If the user calls a website, a cookie can be saved on the operating system of the user. This cookie contains a characteristic sequence of characters that enables a clear identification of the browser the next time the website is called.
We use cookies to make our website more user-friendly, for marketing purposes and evaluations and to ensure IT security. Some elements of our website require that the calling browser remains identifiable even after a page change.
In the process, the following data is stored and transmitted in the cookies:
(1) Language settings

(2) Log-in information



We distinguish between essential cookies, which are absolutely necessary for the technical functions of the online offer, and non-technically necessary cookies such as marketing and statistics cookies, which are not absolutely necessary for the technical function of the online offers. When you call up our website, a cookie banner appears in which you can choose which cookies are set.

The use of the online offer is generally only possible with the essential cookies.

Please note that when using the tools, your data may be transferred to recipients outside the EEA. Data transfer to the USA is based on standard contractual clauses and individual agreements with our partners. For more information, please refer to the privacy notices of our partners linked below.

 Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the processing of personal data using essential cookies is our legitimate interest according to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

The legal basis for the processing of personal data using marketing and statistics cookies is our legitimate interest according to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

Purpose of data processing

The purpose of the utilisation of technically required cookies is to simplify the use of websites for the user. Some functions of our website cannot be provided without the use of cookies. For these functions, the browser must be able to be recognised even after a page change.
We require cookies for the following applications:
(1) Accepting language settings
(2) Saving of search terms

The user data collected by technically required cookies is not used to create user profiles.

The aforementioned purposes are also the basis for our legitimate interest according to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

Duration of storage, possibility of objection and removal
Cookies are stored on the computer of the user and sent to our site by the computer. As a user, you therefore also have complete control over the use of cookies. By changing the settings in your Internet browser, you can deactivate or limit the transmission of cookies. Previously stored cookies can be deleted at any time. This deletion procedure can take place automatically. If cookies are deactivated for our website, it is possible that the full scope of all functions of the website will no longer be able to be used.

The transmission of flash cookies can not be prevented through the settings of the browser, but rather by changing the settings of Flash Player.


We use different web tools:

(1) Google AdWords Remarketing

Our website uses the functions of Google AdWords Remarketing, as a result of which we advertise this website in the Google search results, as well as on third party websites. The provider is Google LLC., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google"). For this purpose, Google places a cookie in the browser of your terminal device, which automatically uses a pseudonymous cookie ID and interest-based advertising, on the basis of the pages visited by you. Processing takes place on the basis of our legitimate interest in the optimal marketing of our website in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.
Any further processing will only take place if you have consented to Google linking your internet and app browsing history to your Google account and using information from your Google account to personalise adverts you view on the web. In this case, if you are logged into Google during your visit to our website, Google will use your information in conjunction with Google Analytics data to create and define target audience lists for cross-device remarketing. Google will temporarily link your personal data with Google Analytics data in order to form target groups.
You can permanently disable the setting of cookies for ad preferences by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available from the following link:

Alternatively, you can contact the Digital Advertising Alliance at the Internet address to find out about setting cookies and how to make settings for this. You can set your browser so that you are informed about the setting of cookies and decide individually whether to accept them or whether to exclude the acceptance of cookies in certain cases or in general. If cookies are not accepted, the functionality of our website may be restricted.

Further information and the privacy policy regarding advertising and Google can be found here:


(2) Use of Google Maps

We use the "Google Maps" component of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, hereinafter referred to as "Google", on our site.
Google sets a cookie each time the "Google Maps" component is accessed in order to process user settings and data when the page on which the "Google Maps" component is integrated is displayed. As a rule, this cookie is not deleted when you close your browser, but expires after a certain period of time, unless you delete it manually beforehand. If you do not agree with this processing of your data, it is possible to deactivate the "Google Maps" service and thus prevent the transmission of data to Google. You have to deactivate the Java Script function in your browser to do this. However, we would like to point out that in this case you will not be able to use "Google Maps", or only to a limited extent.
The use of "Google Maps" and the information obtained via "Google Maps" is governed by the Google Terms of Use.

(3) Google reCaptcha
We use Google reCAPTCHA on our website to check and prevent interactions on our website by automated access, e.g. by so-called bots.

This is a downloaded web service of the company Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, 4 Dublin, Ireland (hereinafter referred to as: Google reCaptcha). We use this data to guarantee the full functionality of our website. In this context, your browser may transmit personal data to Google reCaptcha. The legal basis for the data processing is Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The legitimate interest lies in the error-free operation of the website. The data is deleted as soon as the purpose of its collection has been fulfilled. Further information on the handling of the transmitted data can be found in the Google reCaptcha privacy policy:

You can prevent the collection and processing of your data by Google reCaptcha by disabling the execution of script code in your browser or installing a script blocker in your browser.


11. YouTube components with enhanced privacy mode and Spotify link on our website.

On our website, we may use components (videos) of YouTube, a company of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, hereinafter "Google".

We use the "extended data protection mode" option provided by YouTube.

When you visit a page that has an embedded video, a connection is established to the YouTube servers and the content is displayed on the website by notifying your browser.

According to YouTube, in "extended data protection mode", data is only transmitted to the YouTube server, in particular concerning which of our websites you have visited, when you watch the video. If you are logged into YouTube at the same time, this information will be assigned to your YouTube member account. You can prevent this by logging out of your member account before visiting our website.

More information about YouTube's privacy policy is provided by Google at the following link:


We use the Spotify Music Player widget of the Spotify music platform on our website. The service provider is the Swedish company Spotify AB, Regeringsgatan 19, SE-111 53 Stockholm, Sweden, Fax: +49 30 5770 2443, email: ("Spotify"). Personal data is only transmitted when you click on the "Load external content" button. You can find out more about the data processed through the use of Spotify in their privacy policy. This can be accessed here: 


12. Google Web Fonts

This site uses so-called web fonts provided by Google for the uniform display of fonts. The Google Fonts are installed locally. There is no connection to Google servers.

Further information on Google Web Fonts can be found at and in Google’s privacy policy:


 13 Statistical evaluations

We need statistical information about the use of our online services in order to make them more user-friendly, measure reach and conduct market research. 

We use various web analysis tools for this purpose.

(1) Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies, which are text files that are stored on your computer to permit an analysis of your use of the website. The data generated by the cookie regarding your use of this website is usually sent to a Google server in the United States and stored there. In case of an activation of IP anonymisation on this website, your IP address is previously shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. The full IP address is sent to a Google server in the United States and stored there only in exceptional cases.

On behalf of the website operator, Google will use this information to analyse your use of the website, compile reports on website activities and render additional services connected to the use of the website and Internet for the website operator. The IP address transferred from your browser within the scope of Google Analytics is not combined with other data from Google.

You can prevent the saving of cookies through a corresponding browser software setting, but we would like to inform you that you will possibly not be able to use all functions of this Website to the full extent in this case. In addition, you can prevent the recording of the data generated by the cookie related to your use of the Website (including your IP address), as well as the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following Link . Detailed information can be found under General information on Google Analytics.

Please note that Google Analytics has been expanded by the code “gat._anonymizeIp();” on this website to guarantee an anonymised collection of IP addresses. 

Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for data processing in connection with the use of Google Analytics our legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.



Our website uses Pingdom, a service provided by Pingdom AB, Kopparbergsvägen 8, 72213 Västeras, Sweden. Pingdom uses cookies, amongst other things, which are placed on your computer to enable the use of the website to be analysed. Within the scope of use, data such as in particular the IP address and activities of the user, can be transmitted to a server operated by Pingdom AB and stored there. You can prevent the collection and forwarding of personal data (in particular your IP address) and the processing of this data by deactivating the running of Java Script in your browser or by installing a tool such as "NoScript". Further information on data protection when using Pingdom can be found under the following link:


(3) in connection with as technical service provider
Functions of and are integrated on this site; these enable us to permanently improve your shopping experience and to make it customer-friendly and individual for you. and use cookies to provide you with this service and to make you an appropriate offer at the right time. These cookies are session cookies that are automatically deleted when you close your Internet browser, as well as cookies that are automatically deleted only after a specified period of time, which may vary depending on the cookie.
Examples of information that we collect and analyse include the Internet Protocol (IP) address that connects your computer to the Internet, logins, e-mail addresses, information about computers and connection to the Internet such as browser type, version, number and extensions, time zone settings, operating system and platform, including date and time, cookie or flash cookie number, of the products you viewed or searched for. During your visits, we sometimes use JavaScript to collect and evaluate information, information about the interaction between pages (e.g. scrolling, clicking, mouse-overs) and about leaving the page. We can also collect technical information that helps us identify your device and prevent misuse or troubleshooting.


14.  Links to social networks and additional information

On our websites we use references (links) to the profiles of our company on the respective networks. The links are made in order to communicate with our customers, interested parties and users and to inform them about our services.

Please consider the following information regarding the processing of your personal data when following a link. We would like to point out that we have no influence on which of your data is processed by the respective networks. You can find details on data collection by the respective social networks as well as on your rights and setting options in the corresponding data protection guidelines.

Reference to networks and services

On our website, you will find links to the following social networks and services:

(1) Facebook

On our account, there are links to Facebook, the leisure-oriented social network operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA. The links are recognisable by one of the Facebook logos. By visiting our website, information can be transmitted to Facebook. If you have a Facebook account, Facebook can associate this information with your personal account. If you do not want this, please log out of Facebook.
The data protection guidelines relating to what information Facebook collects and how they use it can be found at

(2) XING

We link our account to the professional network XING of XING AG, Gänsemarkt 43, 20354 Hamburg, Germany. The links are identified by the XING logo. The links can be identified by the XING logo. XING's privacy policy is available here

(3) Youtube

Our website contains links to the account of the group of companies of the provider YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA ("YouTube"). YouTube is a subsidiary of Google LLC., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google"). The links can be identified by the YouTube logo. YouTube's privacy policy is available here

(4) Instagram

We link to the leisure-oriented social network Instagram on our website. These functions are offered by Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA.

If you are logged into your Instagram account, you can link the content of our pages to your Instagram profile by clicking on the Instagram button. This allows Instagram to associate the visit to our pages with your user account. We would like to indicate that we, as the provider of the pages, have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or its use by Instagram. You can prevent this transmission by logging out of your Instagram account before accessing our website.

The use of the Instagram plugin is based on Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in ensuring the greatest possible visibility on social media.

For more information, please see Instagram's privacy policy:

(5) LinkedIn

We link functions of the LinkedIn network on our website. The provider is LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

The links are recognisable by one of the LinkedIn logos. Each time one of our pages containing LinkedIn functions is accessed, a connection to LinkedIn servers is established. LinkedIn is informed that you have visited our website with your IP address. If you click on the LinkedIn plug-in and are logged into your LinkedIn account, it is possible for LinkedIn to assign your visit to our website to your user account. We would like to indicate that we, as the provider of the pages, have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or its use by LinkedIn. You can prevent this transmission by logging out of your LinkedIn account before accessing our website.

The use of the LinkedIn-Plugin is based on Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in ensuring the greatest possible visibility on social media.

For more information, please see LinkedIn's privacy policy:

Use of our WhatsApp channel

WhatsApp users agree to the platform's privacy policy when downloading the app. As the operator of the channel, if the number is not saved as a contact, we do not receive the full phone number, nor can we see the profile name. We can only see the subscriber's profile picture.

Other subscribers cannot see among themselves who has subscribed to which channel or who interacts with the channel and how.

Further information on the processing of your personal data can be found at

Supplementary information on social networks in relation to Meta Platforms

At Meta, various data provided by you, including personal data, is processed by Meta Ireland and us as joint controllers within the meaning of Art. 26 GDPR in order to compile usage statistics. The legal basis for the processing of personal data in this context is Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests) or, if consent has been obtained, Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a, Art. 7 GDPR (consent). The legitimate interest here is also to be able to inform you effectively and communicate with you and to improve the information offered. The essential information on the corresponding agreement pursuant to Art. 26 GDPR between Meta Ireland and us as well as information on who you can contact to assert your rights as a data subject can be found at of the information in the referenced agreement, it is up to you to assert your data subject rights against us or Meta. When you visit our online presence on Facebook, for example, your data will be transmitted by Meta in third countries, i.e. in countries outside the European Union that do not have an adequate level of data protection, such as Facebook Inc. in the USA, and stored and processed there. In order to ensure an adequate level of data protection when transferring data to third countries, Facebook has, according to its own information, concluded suitable guarantees with the recipients in third countries. Further information on how Meta processes personal data can be found at


15. Grünbeck Cloud and apps

Description and scope of data processing

Some of our systems can be connected to the Grünbeck Cloud. In order to retrieve current device data, the device must be connected to the Cloud and the appropriate Grünbeck app for the product downloaded. In order to use the services of the app (e.g. overview of the current consumption data of the system), you must register in the Grünbeck app.

The following data is collected during registration or use of the app and stored in the Cloud:

(1) E-mail address

(2) First name

(3) Last name

(4) Address

(5) Information about the browser type and the version used

(6) The user's operating system

(7) The user's Internet service provider

(8) The user's IP address

(9) Consumption data


Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the processing of the data is a declaration of consent of the user according to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR.

Purpose of data processing

This data is processed and stored in order to display the data (e.g. current consumption data) in the app. The data is transmitted encrypted. The data will not be passed on to third parties. First name, last name and address are processed for service improvements. Data processing is used to check the correct functioning of the system. (Correct setting of the raw water hardness, etc.)

Duration of storage

The data is deleted as soon as they are no longer required to achieve the purpose of their collection.

Possibility of revocation and elimination

The user may revoke his or her consent for the processing of personal data at any time with future effect. In such a case, the app cannot continue to be used.

16. upload of data (e.g. log files) of Grünbeck systems to the cloud for error analysis

Description and scope of data processing

The system sends device data to the Grünbeck Cloud to analyse errors in Grünbeck products that are connected to the Grünbeck Cloud. Grünbeck can also upload log files to the cloud remotely. This serves as second-level support and is only carried out in individual cases.

The following data is collected:

(1) Operating behaviour of the Grünbeck system

(2) Fault status of the Grünbeck system

(3) Connection behaviour of the Grünbeck system to the router and the Grünbeck Cloud

(4) Consumption data of the user of the Grünbeck system (e.g. water quantity with time)


Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for uploading data (e.g. log files) to the Grünbeck Cloud is our legitimate interest in ensuring the flawless operation of our systems (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR).

Duration of storage

The log files are manually uploaded by Grünbeck in the event of a complaint and stored for a maximum of 12 weeks for analysis. After the purpose has been achieved or at the latest after the agreed storage period has expired, the log files are deleted again.


17. Reading out the device information

Description and scope of data processing

During maintenance and malfunction operations, the device information of the Grünbeck system must be read out in order to be able to analyse the operation of the system and rectify deviations.

In the process, the following data is collected:

(1) System serial number

(2) Consumption data

(3) Error messages

Purpose of data processing

This data is collected in order to guarantee the proper operation of the Grünbeck system.

Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the readout of the device data is our legitimate interest in ensuring the flawless operation of our systems (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR).

Duration of storage

The data is deleted as soon as they are no longer required to achieve the purpose of their collection.


18.  Registrations

Description and scope of data processing 

On our website and our Grünbeck apps, we offer users the opportunity to register by entering personal data. The data is entered on an entry screen and sent to us.
At the time of registration, the following data is stored additionally:
(1) The user’s IP address

(2) Date and time of registration


By consenting to our data protection provisions, you confirm that the personal data you specified are correct and actually describe you and no other natural person. If you are not registering for yourself, but rather for another natural person, you confirm that you have a release to do so by consenting to our data protection provisions. In this case, you also confirm that you have the consent of the specified person to establish contact for advertising purposes, whereby Grünbeck, a contractually connected partner of Grünbeck or a specialist installer in the vicinity of the specified person is authorised to contact this person by e-mail, telephone, fax and text message.

Extension of the warranty

The data collection for the extension of the warranty is carried out by direct collection from the data subject themselves via the "Product Registration" form on the website, via the "myProduct" app or by digitisation of the "Warranty Card" submitted in paper form by us or a processor (processor contract available).


Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the processing of the data is the presence of a declaration of consent of the user according to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR.
If the registration serves the fulfilment of a contract whose contracting party is the user or if it serves the performance of precontractual measures, the additional legal basis for processing the data is Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR.



Purpose of data processing

A registration of the user is required for the provision of certain content and services on our website (e.g. product registration, water experiment case, seminar registration).
A registration of the user can also be required for the fulfilment of a contract with the user or for the performance of precontractual measures.


Duration of storage

The data is deleted as soon as they are no longer required to achieve the purpose of their collection.
This is the case for data collected during the registration procedure when the registration on our website is revoked or changed.
If the data is required for the fulfilment of a contract or to perform precontractual measures, a premature deletion of the data is possible only insofar as it does not contradict any contractual or legal obligations regarding a deletion.


19.  Contact form and e-mail contact Description and scope of data processing

 Description and scope of data processing 

Our website has a contact form that can be used for establishing contact electronically. If a user takes advantage of this opportunity, the data entered on the entry screen is sent to us and stored briefly for the purpose of the responding.
At the point in time at which the message is sent, the following data is saved:
(1)    The IP address of the user

(2)    Date and time of registration

The following statements of this privacy policy apply to the data processing.
Alternatively, contact is possible through the provided e-mail address. In this case, the personal data of the user transmitted by e-mail is briefly saved, for the purpose of the responding, and forwarded according to Section 5 if pertinent.

The legal basis for the data processing

The legal basis for the data processing transmitted in the course of sending an e-mail is the protection of our legitimate interest in communication with our customers, interested parties and business partners
(Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR).
If the objective of the e-mail contact is the conclusion of a contract, the additional legal basis for processing the data is Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR.

Purpose of data processing

We process personal data from the entry screen solely to establish contact, as well as advertising purposes according to section 4. An establishment of contact by e-mail also constitutes a necessary, legitimate interest in the processing of the data.
The other personal data processed during the sending procedure are used to prevent a misuse of the contact form and guarantee the security of our IT systems.

 Duration of storage

The data is deleted as soon as they are no longer required to achieve the purpose of their collection. Insofar as the establishment of contact is aimed at the conclusion of a contract, the corresponding e-mails could be subject to statutory retention periods. In such a case, we store the data according to the legal requirements.


20. Support Service support with the ‘SightCall’ software

Description and scope of data processing

The ‘SightCall’ software can be used to support the service hotline. By confirming the link sent by SMS, the camera is activated and the colleague on the hotline can assist with troubleshooting by providing step-by-step instructions.

In addition to the camera images/video, the following data is collected during the call:

(1) Telephone number

(2) IP address


Purpose of the data processing

This data is collected to enable improved support via the hotline and thus increase customer satisfaction.

Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the processing of personal data through the use of SightCall is consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR. You consent to the processing by activating the link.


Duration of storage

The data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected. The storage period is limited to a maximum of one year. Video recordings are not stored after the session and the telephone number is anonymised.

Possibility of objection and removal

The user has the option to revoke their consent to the processing of personal data at any time with effect for the future at


21. RMA-Portal

Description and scope of data processing

Your personal data will be used for the use of the RMA portal.  At the current point in time, this is limited to contact data that exists or is completed within the scope of an existing business relationship with Grünbeck.

At the current time of use, the following personal information is relevant for the RMA process:

(1) First name

(2) Last name

(3) Username

(4) E-mail address (company e-mail address)

(5) Company telephone number (landline and/or mobile number)

By confirming the data protection information, you accept to be contacted by e-mail, telephone, fax and SMS in the context of RMA processing.

Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the processing of the data is the fulfillment of a contract or the implementation of pre-contractual measures, thus the legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR.

 Purpose of data processing

The processing of the personal data provided by you from the input mask serves us solely to process the return.

 Duration of storage

The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer required to achieve the purpose for which they were collected.

Upon request, the personal data will be removed from the system.

If the data is required for the fulfillment of a contract or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures, early deletion of the data is only possible insofar as no contractual or legal obligations prevent deletion.


22. Processing of reports in the internal reporting office for the HinSchG

Description and scope of data processing

The whistleblower system is used to receive and process reports of (suspected) violations of the law or serious internal rules against Grünbeck in a secure and confidential manner.


According to the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG), an internal reporting office must be established at Grünbeck. Here, persons who have a connection to Grünbeck (e.g. employees, former employees, temporary workers, applicants or also contractual partners) can file a report on grievances.

It is possible to submit the report anonymously. Thus, we only process the personal data that you voluntarily submit to us.

Purpose of data processing

The purposes of the processing are specifically specified by the legislator with the HinSchG. With the HinSchG, the Federal Republic of Germany implements the requirements of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report infringements of Union law ("Whistleblower Protection Directive").

Legal basis for data processing

We process your personal data in our internal reporting office in order to comply with our obligations under the HinSchG. Therefore, the legal basis Art. 6 (1) lit. c GDPR is applicable.

If the disclosure of information about the identity of the person is necessary for follow-up measures, consent is obtained in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR.

Duration of storage

With the completion of follow-up measures (§ 18 HinSchG) by the internal reporting office, the reporting procedure is also completed.

The data is deleted three years after the conclusion of the procedure pursuant to Section 11 (5) HinSchG.

The documentation may be kept longer in order to meet the requirements under this Act or under other legal provisions, as long as this is necessary and proportionate. This may be the case in particular if internal investigations are ongoing or if administrative and/or legal proceedings have not yet been concluded due to the facts of the notification.


23. Video surveillance on our factory premises

 Description and scope of data processing

We use video surveillance on our company premises.
In the process, the following data is collected:
(1) Image files
(2) Movie files

 Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the processing of personal data using video cameras is our legitimate interest according to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR, whereby our interests arise from the purposes listed below.

 Purpose of data processing

Video surveillance is used for upholding company regulations, to avoid criminal offences and to preserve evidence in the case of criminal offences.

 Duration of storage
The data will be deleted immediately if it is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose. Data from video surveillance is generally deleted after 72 hours.

A longer storage period may be necessary if circumstances justify the assumption that recordings from a limited period of time show acts that are to be prosecuted as a criminal offence or used to assert civil law claims.

 Possibility of opposition and removal

You have the right to be informed about the personal data concerning you.
Furthermore, you have the right to correction or deletion or to restriction of the processing to the extent to which you are legally entitled to do so.
Finally, you have the right to object to the processing within the framework of the statutory provisions.
The right to data portability also exists within the framework of data protection regulations.


 24. participation in the competition

Description and scope of data processing

When you participate in a Grünbeck competition, we process the data and information you provide. This includes the data required for participation, such as

 (1) First and last name

(2) Date of birth

(3) Your e-mail address

(4) Postal address of the winner

 In the case of social media competitions, the user name of the social media account is also processed.

 Legal basis for data processing

The data processing of competition participants set out in the conditions of participation and data protection information serves the purpose of fulfilling a contract. The legal basis for data processing is therefore Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) GDPR.

Purpose of the data processing

Your personal data is processed for the purpose of running the competition, in particular to determine and notify the winners.

We may subsequently collect and process additional data, e.g. your full name and postal address, for the purpose of sending and delivering prizes.

Duration of storage

The processed data will be deleted after the competition has ended or expired and the prizes have been sent. In the case of social media competitions, however, the likes and comments on Instagram remain and can still be viewed publicly.

Rights of the data subject

As soon as your personal data is processed, you are a data subject within the meaning of the GDPR and you are entitled to the rights described under point "25. Rights of data subjects" described rights against us as the controller.

25.   Data security

Our employees and the service companies commissioned by us are bound to secrecy and compliance with the provisions of the applicable data protection laws. The company takes appropriate technical and organisational security measures to protect your personal data from loss, alteration, destruction and access by unauthorised persons or unauthorised disclosure. Our security measures are constantly improved in line with technological developments.


 26.  Rights of the data subjects

If personal data about you is processed, you are the data subject in the sense of GDPR and you are entitled to the following rights with regard to the data controller. To exercise your rights listed below, you may contact the addresses listed in section 2.

(1) You have the right to request information about all personal data that we process from you at any time.

(2) If your personal data is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to have it corrected and supplemented.

(3) You may request the deletion of your personal data at any time unless we are legally obliged or entitled to process your data further.

(4) If the legal requirements are met, you can demand that the processing of your personal data be restricted.

(5) You have the right to object to the processing, if the processing is based on a balancing of interests, you may object to the processing by stating reasons arising from your particular situation.

(6) If the data processing takes place on the basis of your consent or within the framework of a contract, you have the right to transfer the data provided by you, provided that the rights and freedoms of other persons are not impaired.

(7) If we process your data on the basis of a declaration of consent, you have the right to revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future. The processing carried out before a revocation remains unaffected by the revocation.

(8) You also have the right at any time to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority if you believe that data processing has been carried out in breach of applicable law.


You have the right to lodge a complaint regarding the handling of your personal data with the above-mentioned data protection officer or the data protection supervisory authority.

The supervisory authority responsible for you is:

Bayerisches Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht Promenade 27 91522 Ansbach

Phone: 0981 53 1300 e-mail:


27. Obligation to provide personal data

Insofar as a contract exists between you and our company, you must provide any personal contractual data that is legally required for the assumption, execution and termination of a commercial relationship and for the fulfilment of the associated contractual obligations or for the collection of such data. Without this data, we are generally not able to conclude a contract with you, execute it and terminate it.

The same applies to visits to our website and the collection of usage data. Without the collection of usage data, we and our service providers are not in a position to make our online offer available to you




II. Data protection guidelines for the processing of job applicant data


Which personal data do we collect and where does it come from?

Within the scope of an application process, we process the following personal data:

  • Your master data (e.g., first name, last name, name affixes, date of birth, etc.)
  • Contact data (e.g., private address, mobile/fixed-net telephone number, e-mail address)
  • Additional data from the application documents (e.g., skills and abilities)
  • Work and/or residency permits, if pertinent
  • If relevant or legally required for the advertised position: suitability in regard to health

Your personal data is fundamentally collected directly from you within the scope of the application process, particularly from the application documents and job interview(s) You yourself are responsible for the correctly of the provided data.

In addition, we might process data obtained permissibly from publicly accessible sources, such as professional networks.

For what purposes and on what legal basis is data processed?

We process your personal data under consideration of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).

The processing of data primarily serves the selection of applicants and/or the establishment of an employment relationship. The overriding legal basis here is Art. 88 (1) GDPR in conjunction with § 26 (1) BDSG.

Your data will be used solely to occupy the concrete position for which you have applied.

The processing of health data for the assessment of your ability to work according to Art. 9 Sect. 2 h) in conjunction with § 22 Abs. 1 b) BDSG may be required.

How long is your data stored?

Your personal data will be stored for the duration of the application procedure in the event of rejection and deleted six months after completion of the application procedure.
If we cannot promise you a specific position, but would like to take your profile into account in any future vacancies, we would like to include your documents in an applicant pool. We would obtain your consent to this procedure separately by e-mail at the appropriate time. After your data has been added to the applicant pool, we will store it for a further 24 months. Your data will then be deleted.

If your application is successful, your data will be stored and processed as employee data.

When you complete the entry of your "personal data" in the first step of the application process by clicking on the "Continue" button, an applicant data record is created in our personnel management system. If the application process is canceled after the second step of the application process, your personal data will be deleted no later than one month after the application process is canceled.
Who receives your data?

Within our company, only those persons and function (e.g., department, works council, the representative for employees with disabilities) involved in the hiring decision receive your personal data.
Should we access the support of external service providers as part of the application process, we will obtain your separate consent before passing on your personal data. We have concluded an order processing contract with the relevant service providers.

Where is your data stored and how is it secured (data security)?

Our online career portal is technically operated by a service provider which stores your data in a computer centre in the Euro zone. The service provider is obliged to comply with data protection according to the GDPR in conjunction with the BDSG and has current technical measures in place to ensure data security, in particular to protect your personal data from risks in data transfers and from third parties gaining knowledge of it. These measures will be adapted to the state of the art.

What rights can you assert as the person affected?

You have the rights from Art. 15 – 22 DSGVO (GDPR):

  • Right to information (Art. 15 DSGVO (GDPR)):
  • Right to correction (Art. 16 DSGVO (GDPR)):
  • Right to deletion (Art. 17 DSGVO (GDPR)):
  • Right to the limitation of processing (Art. 18 DSGVO (GDPR)):
  • Right to object to processing (Art. 21 DSGVO (GDPR))
  • Right to data transferability (Art. 20 DSGVO (GDPR))

In this regard, please contact

You have the possibility to submit a complaint to the abovementioned data protection officer ( or to a data protection supervisory body.

Are you obliged to provide your data?

To take your application into consideration, we require he personal data required for the applicant selection process and/or decision on the establishment of an employee relationship.

You have the right to revoke your consent to the use of your personal data at any time with future effect. To do so, just send an e-mail to A revocation will result in the termination of the application procedure.

Our general data protection guidelines also apply (



III. Terms and conditions of participation in Instagram competitions with data protection information 

These terms and conditions of participation apply to all competitions conducted via the Instagram profile @gruenbeck_wasseraufbereitung. By participating in competitions on this account, Instagram users expressly accept them.
1.     Instagram disclaimer
1.1.    The competitions are not associated with Instagram and are not sponsored, endorsed or organised in any way by Instagram
1.2.    The organiser, contact person and data controller is solely Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH, Josef-Grünbeck-Strasse 1, 89420 Hoechstaedt (hereinafter referred to as Grünbeck). Further contact details and the imprint can be found at

2.    Participation 
2.1.    All people of legal age residing in Germany who own an Instagram account are eligible to participate
2.2.    The start of a competition is the publication date of the respective Instagram post. Participation is only possible until the respective draw date stated, or up to the entry deadline stated in the post.
2.3.    Specific participation conditions can be found in the details of the competition in the respective competition post on Grünbeck's Instagram profile

3.    Exclusion from participation
3.1.    If user entries are characterised by illegal or abusive behaviour; for example, if they contain insults, false statements of fact, competition, trademark and copyright infringements, Grünbeck reserves the right to exclude the associated participants from the competition
3.2.    Grünbeck is not liable for violations committed by participants in this context
3.3.    People who use unauthorised aids, or otherwise gain an advantage through manipulation are also excluded. If necessary, prizes can also be subsequently disallowed and reclaimed in these cases.
3.4.    The use of false personal data will also lead to exclusion from participation. Participants are responsible for the accuracy of the information they provide
3.5.    People who are not of age and who live outside the Federal Republic of Germany during the period of the competition and the competition processing are also excluded

4.    Prizes / prize determination / prize handover
4.1.    The prize will be stated in the respective competition posting
4.2.    Only prizes in kind will be offered. Payment of the prize value in cash or exchange of the prize is excluded. 
4.3.    The right to win is non-transferable
4.4.    The winner will be determined according to the competition category described in the respective posting text. In the case of prize draws, the winner will be determined at random, or by drawing lots at the end of the competition period. 
4.5.    Participants will be notified of their win via a direct message from Grünbeck on Instagram. The winners must then confirm their win via a private message on Instagram. If no confirmation is received within five working days, Grünbeck reserves the right to select a new winner
4.6.    By participating, participants agree that the name of their Instagram profile may be published in Grünbeck's Instagram story if they win
4.7.    The prizes will be handed over via postal delivery
4.8.    Grünbeck shall be released from all obligations upon presentation of the prize
4.9.    Grünbeck shall not be liable for material defects and/or defects of title in the prizes.

5.     Data protection
5.1.    Data controller and data protection officer
5.1.1.    Name and address of the data controller and data protection officer
Name and address of the data controller
The data controller within the scope of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other national data protection legislation of the member states of the European Union and other privacy law provisions is as follows:

Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
Josef-Grünbeck-Strasse 1
89420 Hoechstaedt
Tel.: +499074 41-0
Data protection officer contact details
Thomas Hoch
Adalbert-Stifter Strasse 52
89415 Lauingen
Tel.: 0152-53144668


5.2.    General information on data processing
5.2.1.    Scope of personal data processing
When you enter a competition, we process the data and information you provide. This includes the data required for participation, such as username Instagram 
as well as, if applicable, the data and information voluntarily provided by you as part of participation.
For the purpose of sending and delivering prizes, we may subsequently collect and process further data, e.g. your full name and postal address.
5.2.2.    Purpose of personal data processing
Your personal data will be processed for the purpose of administering the competition, in particular for determining and notifying the winners.
5.2.3.     Legal basis for processing
The data processing of competition participants set out in this privacy statement is for the purpose of fulfilling a contract. The legal basis for the data processing is therefore Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR.

5.2.4.     Possibility of objection
You can object to the processing of your data at any time. To do so, send a message to or to one of the contact addresses given above.
We would like to inform you that in the event of an objection, further participation in the competition is excluded.
5.2.5.     Data deletion and storage duration
The processed data will be deleted after termination or expiry of the competition and dispatch of the prizes.
However, likes and comments on Instagram remain and are still publicly viewable.
5.3.    Rights of the data subject
If your personal data is processed, you are a data subject within the meaning of the GDPR and you have the following rights vis-à-vis us as the data controller:
Right to information

  • Right to correction
  • Right to the limitation of processing
  • Right to deletion
  • Right to notification
  • Right to data transferability
  • Right of objection
  • Right to the revocation of the declaration of consent pursuant to data protection law
  • Right to complain

For further information on your rights as a data subject, please refer to our data protection information, available at

6.    Reservations regarding changes and premature termination of the competition
6.1.    Grünbeck reserves the right to change, cancel or terminate the competition without prior notice with regard to the competition features in view of the occurrence of unforeseen, special circumstances
6.2.    The latter applies in particular if software and/or hardware errors occur and/or other technical and/or legal reasons affect the regular and proper implementation of the competition or render it impossible.

7.    Miscellaneous
7.1.    The judges’ decision is final
7.2.    The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies exclusively
7.3.    Should any of these provisions be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining terms of use will not be affected. These terms of use may be amended by Grünbeck at any time without separate notification.